Morbis Artificum
This bitter tea
Line by line
Gulp by gulp
(Each passing gift)
Tasting like rice
And a bit of grief
Is every thought
I can diminish
Mouth in mind
Because I cannot afford
To risk not pushing
Not finishing
My cup in time.
Sorry, my duty is this reminder,
One truth is
You are content
With foolishness,
Nose deep in vain affections,
Contriving needless business,
Blended masterfully into the day,
Comforts that betray,
Man-made ailments.
The cardinal and the breeze are waiting
The children are waiting in the field
Your inner chamber is waiting
On top of the hill
With the dead language of your people
/ /
You have been taught to think
The oasis is a desert, for the weary and the mad,
But it is wealthy, the room of your own,
Beyond any imaginable group of imaginings
Hence and infinity, an entire world of worlds
/ /
Your capacity is waiting
But their buzzing pricks your ears,
Telling power and joy are in the senses,
And you are drunk, your sails are stayed,
Your body has been stolen,
Put in some corner,
A harvest of organs,
The farmer neglecting His great work
The great work of the soul
The humble work
Of the perpetually awakened.